UML (Unified Modeling Language) - as a visual modeling language at the software development outsourcing

UML (Unified Modeling Language) - a visual modeling language, general purpose of which is to be used for specifying, visualizing, constructing, and documenting the elements of the custom software development systems.

The UML was developed by Rational Software Corporation for the unification of the best properties possessed by the earlier methods and ways of notation. In 1997, the organization OMG (Object Management Group - a group of facilities management) recognized it as a standard modeling language. 

Since UML has been further developed and widely accepted in the IT industry. The UML does not depend on the applied custom software development services and process; although later the company Rational Rose suggested that the process corresponding to this language, called Rational Unified Process (Unified Process [company] Rational. Note, however, that the name of the methodology can be translated as Rational Unified Process. 

It is obvious that the process in which as the base language adopted UML, must support object-oriented approach to building custom software. The UML is not suitable for non-modern structural approaches that result in a system implemented using procedural programming languages, such as language COBOL.

UML is also independent of the implementation technology (because they are object-oriented).

In our opinion this makes UML restrictions on the detailed design phase of the support life cycle (LC) at offshore software development. At the same time it makes the UML more resistant to frequent change of platform implementation. 

Design the UML allow you to simulate static (structure) and dynamics (behavior) of the system. The system is represented as interacting objects (software modules), which react to external events. Actions allow objects to perform certain tasks or to obtain customers (users) of some useful results. Some models reflect certain aspects of the system and ignore others that cover other models. Taken in complex models provide a complete description of the system. Models created through language UML, can be divided into three groups.

  • Static model (describe static data structures).
  • Patterns of behavior (describe the interaction of objects).
  • Model state changes (describe allowable states of the system which it has taken over time).

UML also contains several architectural designs that allow you to make the system modular structure used in the process of iterative and incremental development.



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